Saturday 3 April 2021

BFL 175, Navigating Life In The Buckfast Lane....

It's taken a while (to get around to it) but Rob Miller finally overhauled this very here blogspot to make life easier for everyone to read through the Buckfast Lane strips in perfect chronological story order....

By adjusting the scale of the strips to 'actual size' and adding handy linked <<PREV and NEXT>> buttons underneath you can now easily plough your way through the weekly and (colour) weekend strips in their final preferred/printed order....

To start the weekly strips just go here >>
To start the weekend strips just go here >>

And if that hassle free journey gets you suitably revved up then you may just want to purchase the rather lovely complete printed version - as blurbed in the previous post - with it's slightly overhauled (early) artwork. If so then please fasten your seatbelts and race over here, thank you >>